Community -

I’ve run for the Henricopolis Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Directors to better educate, empower and guide the community to protect the soil & waterways we depend on.

Because let's be honest, the soil we rely on is depleting whilst our demands of it are increasing. Our waterways remain at risk of pollution and aquatic population decline. And the the health of wildlife that depend on both (yup, us included) will follow their lead. There's no denying, what we do to the soil & water we do to ourselves.

But organizations like the Henricopolis Soil & Water Conservation District, and many important others in our region, give me hope that decline is our past and thriving is our shared future.

Their vision of clean water and productive soils is powered by programs that support farmers, growers, and homeowners to shift their habits, evolve their practices, and protect the soil and water our wellbeing depends on through financial assistance and education provided by Henricopolis.

Thanks to my experience in conservation, education, community engagement, resource management, and organizational strategy – I can strengthen those programs and move us more quickly toward our vision, there is no doubt.

Help me secure a future where collective progress and community thriving move from out-there vision to right-now truths.

Thank you, good person.

Becky Lakin
